Me, Em

Hey there!

Welcome to my blog, a mish-mash of thoughts, feelings and ponderings about whatever is on my mind. I use this space to practice my writing in the hopes that one day I’ll actually write a full length book (one can dream). My main influences are Jeanette Winterson, Matt Haig and Cheryl Strayed, so if you like real life stuff, lots of feelings and some straight talking, stay tuned.

A little about me…

I’m 30 years old and I live in Mexico. I love to write, travel and indulge in open and honest conversation with just about anyone, particularly when it comes to mental health, LGBTQ+ and feminist issues. I am currently working as a specialist language tutor and freelance video editor. I spend a lot of my time watching documentaries on Netflix, eating ice cream and practising yoga (Yoga with Adriene is a legend, am I right?). Outside the house, I’m one of those annoying hippies who likes to eat local, undertake multi-day hikes in the mountains and browse local markets trying to resist buying another houseplant. What can I say? I’m a true millennial.

I should also note that although I have now made a full recovery and graduated university (wooooo!), much of this blog has been about my experience of navigating a nervous breakdown that I suffered from a few years ago that forced me to drop out of university. I’ve deliberated a lot about whether or not to keep these very personal posts online in light of job searches and all the rest of it, knowing the sometimes unfair and prejudice world we can live in. However, due to the amount of people that have said my posts helped them in some way, I have decided that for the time being they can stay put and if people don’t like it then they can sod off. There simply isn’t enough frank talk about mental health problems and as long as I feel able, I’d like to use my voice to make any small difference I can.

Thanks for stopping by.

Love, Em x